
Today was an awesome day!

Well first of all it was preparation day. *APPLAUSE*
and second of all ...
we had more success in the 3 hours 
we actually proselyted than we had all week!!!

Sister Stucki & Sister Schramm

the Tree

My new desk

Our apartment

a gift from our neighbors


We had 3 new investigators!  It was fantastic.  Not to mention the member visits.  Accepts / Rejects and less active visits.  Hallelujah!  Plus tomorrow is Christmas Eve and the next day is Christmas!  So we get to do service, take a nap and watch a movie as well as go Christmas caroling and eat dinner with ward members.  It will be GREAT!

Sister S and I plan on making cinnamon rolls Christmas morning and delivering them.  Our neighbors / investigators dropped by a little gift.  That was so nice. They love us.:) They are so awesome.  I just know all our new friends would make such good Mormons!  The are I'm in has many cultures and is very diverse.

Today was the first day a Member has approached us in public.  He was a returned missionary.  We talked with him forever because we were SO excited.  Utah missionaries are so spoiled...tell our missionaries that for me.  Lucky guys.

Also...kinda funny
Today in Walmart Sis. S told me this guy was "double taking" and when I walked by he said, "HEY."  I felt obligated to be nice because he is a son of God.  So I shook his hand and he looked at me really weird and asked if i was from out of the country...like Czech Republic or something.  I was like NO...I'm from Utah.  He was trying to be all "flirty."  So I said, "I am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I'm here to share a message about Jesus Christ."

His face was PRICELESS!  
He was just like EWW!
He didn't say that, but all interest was lost.
I laughed SO hard!

Anyways that was my day in a nutshell.  I wish I had more time to write.  So much is going on and we are kept very busy out here.  


Basically we just talk with and befriend people and help them out.  It's AMAZING!

I love you guys and I will talk to you soon.  Send me lots of pictures and letters. I love them.  Thank you for the packages as well.  Missionaries LOVE MAIL!!  

Today we went shopping so I pretty much have everything I need.  You can however send me more clothes.  Just cute stuff out of my boxes, for more variety - now that I don't have a weight limit. :)  I won't need those "comfortable" shoes, we all wear "cute" shoes since we have cars.  More scarves and skirts would be convenient as well.  

Also, Peppered Jerky and Hot wing pringles! and OREOS!
I know I could eventually go buy all this but missionaries are SERIOUS when they say they have no time.  
& My (AWESOME) companion is very, very, very obedient! 
Packages and mail are great.
and that's that!

Have A Merry Christmas!
I love you guys.

I have a box next to my desk I'm slowly filling with stuff I don't really need and will send home eventually. 

I'm going to bed now.
Tell everyone HI for me.
I love you.

Love Sister Stucki
(December 23, 2013)  

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