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I love the families here...
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We had 2 baptisms |
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Lots of food after the baptism |
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I love it! |
So today we are heading out to DC. It is a Holiday so a lot of missionaries can't
email but we have a clubhouse with computers so we are doing it before we leave real
quick. Cool eh? I'll send pictures but how did my SD card get damaged? So I can
prevent that from happening again?? Like do I need to put it in a case or
something when I send it home? That's super lame. There was tons of pictures on it
Also if any of y'all have good music burn some Cd's and send them my way. Like good stuff. Like the Lower Lights...David Archuleta (yes. I just said that) Acoustic stuff ya know? Not weird poppy EFY Cd's...oh and
'The Work' CD. Yeah if possible burn me the good stuff on some Cd's and send em
my way and I'll love you forever!
So Monday:
We went to the mall and it just made me really trunky so I'll
probably never do that again. In my life. Terrible idea. I miss music a lot! But
it makes me HAPPY that I still know the songs that are playing in Walmart (: And
one of the member families, the Beattys (who originate from STG) are SUPER talented and play Imagine Dragons and the Lumineers on the piano for us. So that's
good news.
Anyways we've been doing lots of MEMBER VISITS as you've probably
seen on my Facebook. They encourage a.) member visits b.) online proselyting so
we've been combining the efforts and getting the members involved, hence the
pictures. Its been working pretty nicely!
We had District Meeting. It was an AWESOME day! We were just super
pumped about life and about being BOLD when it comes down to invites and etc.
taught the A. and the ..... and planned the baptism and bought gifts and made
programs...all for the baptism. We taught one of our investigators who is living
with her boyfriend and taught her about marriage and about the temple. We told
her about how you can be sealed to your husband and family forever and she said, "That is a beautiful thought" NO! NOT A THOUGHT, REALITY. Anyways it
was bold coming out and telling her she needs to get married she said she'd talk to him about it.
We also taught D. and ..... They love when we come
over and are so sweet. But I don't know about baptism because she doesn't have
custody. They would need parental permission. We still teach them though. They
are awesome and we love them.
We talked to K. and cleared up some confusion she had about Mormons not believing in the bible...that was good stuff as well.
K. texted us the next day and said that she loved us like her own daughters. Which was touching. We love our families here!
We checked on J. She was a referral from one of our
investigators and she had a recent death in the family. We went over to her
house and she had left the Book of Mormon in a bag untouched on her doorstep. We knocked and
she told us not to come back and that she couldn't do it because there was
ANOTHER death in her family. We felt really bad and confused but we left. Sadly J. didn't even look into what we had to offer because she took it as a
sign... she'll figure it out one day.
We did Family History with K. she
loved it. Family History is so cool. It's like Facebook for deceased people. So I encourage all you teenagers to do it! They should make a calling for teenagers to
go teach it because the old people have NO idea what they are doing and the
family search website has SO much to offer. So look into that dad? Bring it
up with the Stake President or something idk.
When we were in the clubhouse some
Brazilian guy became my friend because he asked me to grade his English
paper. He was learning English. It was funny. He was awesome. He said he had
been reading the Book of Mormon. And then he asked me if I wanted to come to Brazil? Thanks but no thanks. I'm going to UTAH AFTER THIS BABY. (:
Also we went to Relief Society with N. A. and learned Self Defense....which came in handy this week Because.....
no visible wounds.
It straight up attacked us. The Elders went by later and called animal
control on the thing. It was rabid. I think. Idk. I just don't like animals and
it was dark and I just left Sister Schramm to get eaten and ran to the car. sorry
not sorry?
Also that day we were cleaning K. house...
and I picked up this
box....and it said "Sorry for the loss of your pet''
Let that sink in...
Sister Schramm was like "Oh is this FOR your pet?"
and K. was like, "OH! You FOUND my pet!"
I almost started crying. I picked up a cremated animal. I don't even like
living animals let alone obliterated-in-a-box ones?? The blood literally
drained from my face. WORST experience!
We also ran into missionaries from another religion, but nothing really happened. So that's fortunate.
We visited lots of people. Brother W. told us how AWESOME we are. That we presented ourselves well. We were confident. And he really appreciated
and admired us which was awesome coming from him. We also did Family History
with K. again.
We had interviews with President!
President is awesome. He
said I have a lot to contribute and a lot of work to do! Also me and Sister Schramm are made fun of ...because we are "The Ideal Little Utah Missionary Mormon Companionship" ...short...blonde....Mormon....yeah?
Was the baptism.
They have requested not to post pictures.
So don't
post any with them in it mom.
It was a super awesome turnout.
We ate so much
And they are awesome.
That night we also went
and taught an investigator who had her family there. Two of which were
homosexual. So that was an interesting lesson. Luckily we just talked about
relationships with God.
So it didn't get...heated? It was a good lesson.
We went to church. Visited the B. family. S. and C. Also S. and T.
Sunday was a long day....................and now
it is Today!
whoo whoo.
Think anything grand is going down in DC right now?
I hope so.
If you want to send me a dictionary that would be great. I
hope all is well at home and I'll send more pictures soon. Keep sending me
letters I love them so much! I miss you all. Missions are kind of REALLY hard. I didn't realize that - but now I get it.
If you keep busy. You're mostly
fine. But it's hard because everything you do is for others. There is Never
time for yourself. I watch people living their lives. They just do what they
want. When they want. We can't.....do that? And that is what is somewhat
frustrating. You just have to DEAL ya know?
That's that.
YAY CONGRATS TROY!! I love Troy. I really miss Troy. and Kylie.
better not get married or I'll...yeah. I want to be a bridesmaid??? That's all.
didn't ask anyone to Sr ball? tsk tsk. Whoever you go to Sr. Ball with. You'll fall
in love with. Look at me. No I'm kidding. but also I'm not kidding. So
date good girls you doof.
Spencer is doing good from what I hear! Granted, I didn't hear from him
today because it is a Holiday. But I got a letter last week and he loves his new
companion. He is in the city now! whoo whoo! Twinners. (: He likes you all! and misses you!
especially ethan and eli i think? playing cod and....being attacked by eli? He
probably misses dylan and ty too but not so much because they always tried to
rope us / torture us / ignore us etc. ;) Ya feel my vibe? yeah anyways.... hes
great! i miss him alot. But I'm so proud of him. HE IS ALMOST AT SIX MONTHS CAN
February Fourteenth will be his six month mark! Which is Valentines Day.
Which means the whole world is going to be celebrating Spencers 6 month in the
mission mark. By kissing their girlfriends because he can't ;) kidding. but
Sorry your missionaries are leaving...unfortunate event. I'm gonna miss (where I am) if the day ever comes I get transferred. I love
these families here they are so good to us! What else is going down back at
home? I need the low down. (in a letter would be preferred)
Thanks again for
updating my blog. I get more emails from lovely human beings asking about
missions and life in general. They are super nice about how lovely my blog
is looking? So thanks mom! I hope it encourages ALL to go on Missions
because....there is so much work to do!
The work really is hastening.
year is the year!!!!
There is a Mission Wide Conference this weekend...
I'm thinking
Who knows though. Elder Nielson of the Seventy is coming to speak.
stuff. I'll let ya know how it goes down. I would love to share some great
advice / quote / story with you to top this off.
But I left my notebook at home.
I'll figure out something with the SD
cards...maybe...anyways love you all.
Be safe and read your scriptures.
Invite people to learn more about Jesus Christ, because that is a commandment y'all.
K bye!
love sister stucki
(via email January 20, 2014)
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