Thanks for the letters and gift card. That will be fun to use next week. This week we are going on a bike ride down the W&OD with some Sisters from Leesburg. I think the W&OD is some huge Virginian accomplishment or something because everybody makes a big deal out of it. Probably because it is a sidewalk that lasts longer than ten feet. ;) oh Virginia.
Anyway it's really pretty and scenic with all the trees and etc...just pray I don't get tick infested and get lymes disease. NONE OF THAT.
Last week we fasted for W. and had an awesome lesson with his family. They speak mostly Spanish so W. actually taught the lesson to them. The Restoration, and interpreted for us. When he said the closing prayer his mom bawled like a baby. It was a sweet experience. W. has come a long way. He used to not really believe in God. He got really into anti. He even dropped the sisters for a time. But my companion felt she should invite M. (a cute girl) to the lessons. No idea why(?) They started dating. Now they are just the CUTEST THING EVER and he got baptized. It has really influenced both of their families. When he was teaching his family it was so awesome. They came to the baptism and the confirmation. Super awesome people. We are trying to get them hooked up with the Spanish sisters.
We went on exchanges this week with the sister training leaders. Sister Hansen came to me. It was POURING RAIN. We totally thought if we just ran from our car to this familys house we would be solid. but no. oh no. you don't understand.
Rainstorms in Virginia are
(Sister Hansen went to Dixie State University btw. so we are soul sistas)
Virginian rainstorms are a little bit like walking underneath waterfalls
in Niagara.
So needless to say, we got to the door and they ran and got towels.
It is whatever.
Super awkward.
Rainstorms in Virginia are
(Sister Hansen went to Dixie State University btw. so we are soul sistas)
Virginian rainstorms are a little bit like walking underneath waterfalls
in Niagara.
So needless to say, we got to the door and they ran and got towels.
It is whatever.
Super awkward.
We had a really cool lesson with a sister who hasn't been coming to church. We didn't really know her story but it ended up being really powerful and bold. So that is the beauty of exchanges. We got to know her really well. She just doesn't really have a testimony of the church. What it came down to was... she hadn't read the Book of Mormon. Parts of it yes. But never read it all the way through.
I can't stress enough how vital this is to conversion! So many people grow up in these awesome families that teach the gospel but don't have a testimony because they don't feel they need it. They live off of mommy and daddy's money and LIFE IS GOOD. Why do they need the gospel? Right?
I can't stress enough how vital this is to conversion! So many people grow up in these awesome families that teach the gospel but don't have a testimony because they don't feel they need it. They live off of mommy and daddy's money and LIFE IS GOOD. Why do they need the gospel? Right?
Read the Book of Mormon.
Study it.
Live it.
Learn of Christ.
Trust me.
You will need it.
Study it.
Live it.
Learn of Christ.
Trust me.
You will need it.
What is your ward mission like?
Do we even have ward missions in Utah?
Who is the WML?
Who are the Ward Missionaries?
What do they do?
What is your ward mission plan?
How do you go about teaching and visiting less actives?
What kinds of invites do you give?
Get back to me on that thanks.
When I get back I totally want to get involved in the ward mission and make stuff happen. This stuff is muy importante.
What is your ward mission like?
Do we even have ward missions in Utah?
Who is the WML?
Who are the Ward Missionaries?
What do they do?
What is your ward mission plan?
How do you go about teaching and visiting less actives?
What kinds of invites do you give?
Get back to me on that thanks.
When I get back I totally want to get involved in the ward mission and make stuff happen. This stuff is muy importante.
We taught some Young Women this week. A lady called us because they only have Elders in their ward so we taught about the life of a missionary and taught them the Plan of Salvation.
There ended up being a non member sister there so we got her information and referred it to the Elders. It was super cute because I asked her some questions and she told me she really, really wanted to be baptized and loved the church. I was like oh darling, we will get some Elders on that. Sometimes I wish I was still in a family ward!! I miss people aside from young single adults! I feel like I'm in high school again.
It's super different.
There ended up being a non member sister there so we got her information and referred it to the Elders. It was super cute because I asked her some questions and she told me she really, really wanted to be baptized and loved the church. I was like oh darling, we will get some Elders on that. Sometimes I wish I was still in a family ward!! I miss people aside from young single adults! I feel like I'm in high school again.
It's super different.
I was reading in Matthew. Well, I've been reading in Matthew because I'm in the New Testament in my own reading. And I have been reading all the parables Christ gave and about his earthly ministry. I read a verse in Matthew 14, super popular, when Peter is walking on the water and Christ says
"Be of good cheer, it is I. Be not afraid."
I think that verse needs to be plastered in the sky or something.
So people will stop going crazy
and just get real.
Ya know.
Focus on what Matters Most.
I like that scripture.
"Be of good cheer, it is I. Be not afraid."
I think that verse needs to be plastered in the sky or something.
So people will stop going crazy
and just get real.
Ya know.
Focus on what Matters Most.
I like that scripture.
Becky Saxton emailed me last week.'s not Saxton anymore...but ya know,,, that woman that I love that was my YW girls camp homie forever? She emailed me and I sent a big email to the girls for girls camp this year. Is Dad going to girls camp? Is Makenna?
I really loved his pictures he sent me they are way sick. I'm so proud! Who knew he had such a great photography talent ;) and bmxing...mostly impressed with the pictures ;) and bike stuff I guess.
Anyway, I hope you have a Great Day. I love you lots! Tell me all about your birthday! Are you gonna be what a Freshie this year?
Holla at you boy.
I really loved his pictures he sent me they are way sick. I'm so proud! Who knew he had such a great photography talent ;) and bmxing...mostly impressed with the pictures ;) and bike stuff I guess.
Anyway, I hope you have a Great Day. I love you lots! Tell me all about your birthday! Are you gonna be what a Freshie this year?
Holla at you boy.
Also cool story. So I met this boy at the MTC named Andrew Allen and he told me I was going to his mission. Where he is from anyway, and he had a referral for me if I ever served in his area. We exchanged emails, kinda forgot about him. Then all of the sudden I got an email from him and he said YOUR IN MY AREA (what?) So we looked him up in our ward directory and went and visited his mom because he said to ask her for referrals. I thought it would be awkward but as soon as she opened the door she was like
okay (:
So she gave us some info on one of his friends.
We will soon be contacting.
Pretty exciting.
cool story eh?
We will soon be contacting.
Pretty exciting.
cool story eh?
This weekend was W. baptism and it turned out soooo good! I guess I already mentioned it. I will send pictures. His girlfriend sung and her step dad baptized him and it was just perfect. He has come such a long way. He bore his testimony at the end and did fantastic. I love these people they are so awesome and I admire them so much! I'll send pictures of the baptism. Him and M. are adorable. And his family.
And my heart is just so full (:
And my heart is just so full (:
Alrighty I'm really glad you are studying in Preach My Gospel.
I have a challenge for you guys!
I've been studying Christlike attributes in the back.
There is this Attribute activity on page 126. DO IT.
For family home evening
figure out which one you lack the most, and work on it.
I want reports on this.
Do the attribute activity honestly and write me a letter or tell me via mom what your working on. YES. the whole family. Because I want to help!
As we study Christlike attributes and work towards becoming more Christlike we can pray for help and we really can gain those attributes and become a more Christlike person.
Sooooo get back to me on that next week all of you got it??
I'll try to gather experiences and scriptures and references on your attribute and help you out as much as I can. It will be great, and I know it will bring more peace in our home.
or your home.
or the home.
that place of residence that we live in together (:
As we study Christlike attributes and work towards becoming more Christlike we can pray for help and we really can gain those attributes and become a more Christlike person.
Sooooo get back to me on that next week all of you got it??
I'll try to gather experiences and scriptures and references on your attribute and help you out as much as I can. It will be great, and I know it will bring more peace in our home.
or your home.
or the home.
that place of residence that we live in together (:
Lastly I just want to send you this talk mom sent me because I feel like whoever is reading this blog page right now needs to hear it.
It meant a lot to me and I love it.
It meant a lot to me and I love it.
Advice from Elder Busche
I want to share with you a vehicle, an instrument,
that I developed some time ago for myself and for my family.
It can assist us to reach our focus as we read the suggested
vision of true discipleship as a Latter-day Saint.
It helps when we, from time to time, ponder and seek
identification with the following thoughts.
Embrace this day with an enthusiastic welcome, no matter how it looks.
The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by him, and nothing is impossible for you.
When you are physically sick, tired, or in despair, steer your thoughts away from yourself and direct them, in gratitude and love, toward God.
In your life there have to be challenges.
They will either bring you closer to God and therefore
make you stronger, or they can destroy you.
But you make the decision of which road you take.
First and foremost, you are a spirit child of God.
If you neglect to feed your spirit, you will reap unhappiness.
Don’t permit anything to detract you from this awareness.
You cannot communicate with God unless you have first sacrificed
your self-oriented natural man and have brought yourself into the lower levels of meekness, to become acceptable for the Light of Christ.
Put all frustrations, hurt feelings, and grumblings into the
perspective of your eternal hope.
Light will flow into your soul.
Pause to ponder the suffering Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In the awareness of the depth of gratitude for him, you appreciate every opportunity to show your love for him by diligently serving in his Church.
God knows that you are not perfect.
As you suffer about your imperfections he will give you comfort
and suggestions of where to improve.
God knows better than you what you need.
He always attempts to speak to you.
Listen, and follow the uncomfortable suggestions that he makes to us—everything will fall into its place
Avoid any fear like your worst enemy, but magnify your fear
about the consequences of sin.
When you cannot love someone, look into that person’s eyes long enough
to find the hidden rudiments of the child of God in him.
Never judge anyone.
When you accept this, you will be freed.
In the case of your own children or subordinates, where you have the responsibility to judge help them to become their own judges.
If someone hurts you so much that your feelings seem to choke you,
forgive and you will be free again.
Avoid at all cost any pessimistic, negative, or criticizing thoughts.
If you cannot cut them out, they will do you harm.
On the road to salvation let questions arise but never doubts.
If something is wrong, God will give you clarity but never doubts.
Avoid rush and haste and uncontrolled words.
Divine light develops in places of peace and quiet.
Be aware of that as you enter places of worship.
Be not so much concerned about what you do, but what you do
with all your heart, might, and strength.
In thoroughness is satisfaction.
You want to be good and do good, that is commendable,
but the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives
is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost
then he will teach us what is really good and necessary to do.
The pain of sacrifice last only on moment.
It is the fear of the pain of sacrifice that makes you hesitate to do it.
Be grateful for every opportunity to serve.
It helps you more than those you serve.
And finally, when you are compelled to give up something
or when things that are dear to you are withdrawn from you,
know this is your lesson to be learned right now.
But know also that as you are learning this lesson
God wants to give you something better.
Thus, we prepare all the days of our lives, and, as we grow death loses its sting, hell loses its power, and we look forward to that day with anticipation of joy when He will come in his glory
Thanks for reading and supporting and sending me your love.
I love hearing from everyone back at home
and learning of all your new adventures.
Write me this week! Be safe! Make good choices!
I love you! Thanks for all you do!
I love hearing from everyone back at home
and learning of all your new adventures.
Write me this week! Be safe! Make good choices!
I love you! Thanks for all you do!
Sister Madison Stucki
(via email June 2, 2014)
(via email June 2, 2014)
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