I held a chinchilla this week. Didn't really know they existed. It was from Chile. It was so soft and it shed all over my clothes. It gave me allergies for like a week and a half. Scary lil' thang.
Also you are never going to believe this. I WENT BIKING DOWN THE W&OD. YEAH. I talked myself into getting on a bike after Dylan, Ethan and Ty tortured me into riding a bike with a flat tire with them for five hours.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. I forgot how to ride a bike for a sec but... I figured it out. No worries. Pictures to come. They are great. It's a cute lil' trail. Sister Mitchell taught me bike etiquette and everything. I didn't know there was such a thing. I am a Pro now. So don't even worry about it.
I got a really nice letter from Bishop Janzen about my talk in church. He really liked it and said he is glad I am in the ward! It was kind of him. We also got a new ward mission leader this week named Dan I'm pretty sure he is from Utah. He is just here for the summer so we are excited about that.
This week is transfers but don't worry about me moving. I am 99.9% sure I'm staying here. President pretty much told us Sister Mitchell is outta here. So no worries. It is sad to see her go. She has been here forever and knows all the ins and outs of Shenandoah. I still feel like a newbie but hopefully things go well and pick up while I am here!
President Riggs popped in our District meeting on Tuesday and sat in the back. Our District lacked at finding new investigators this week. So we set a goal of finding fourteen new investigators as a District. President said if we achieved our goal he would take us all to Chic-fil-a and buy us milkshakes. So this was a BIG deal. Sister Mitchell and I found FOUR new investigators!
The first one, was a crazy story. I met a guy at the MTC and he emailed me the other day about a friend to contact. We went to go checkup on his friend and met his friends sister. She is so awesome. She came to Institute and went to a concert with some YSA's. We are teaching her tonight before Family Home Evening as well.
The second one was S. It was super awesome because we decided to have a "Walk about Wednesday" and not drive the car. We THOUGHT it was a great idea. YEAH. I about died. I have a gnarly farmers tan now. Even a tan line where my necklace was, and my face is peeling. BUT on our way home we ran into S. walking. He had his headphones in. We just waved and said hi and he stopped and was like,
Sister Mitchel looked at me and we were like, "uhh yeah... of course.."
and he was like, "I'M S. are you missionaries? I've been curious about you guys." He went on to ask for one of our "Mormon Bibles" which we gladly gave to him to keep. He is a saint. He knows a lot of people that are on missions in our area.
The next person we met was M. HOLY COW! He is awesome. He was actually referred to us by other missionaries so we went over and taught him and talked a lot about the Book of Mormon. He was so nice. Super smart. He is getting his PhD and he is a composer. He said he had a billion questions for us. He has already read 12 chapters in the Book of Mormon. Then he explained in depth Lehi's vision. Such an awesome guy. So Prepared. He said he is really jealous of our faith and hopes he can obtain it one day.
Such a cool guy. He is gonna go far.
Such a cool guy. He is gonna go far.
The last investigator we met this week was O. His mom is a member. We stopped by their house and were helping him find a desire to attend church. He is funny. He also has a Massive dog. We are going to teach him again next week.
So all in all our District ended up Finding 18 NEW investigators which is totally crazy! President asked the District Leader if his money was safe. But...it's not! haha. Also he informed us we will be going to another Nationals (?) game this year before September! woo. super stoked for that.
Also get this:
1/3 of the way done. I still feel like I just got here. Weird stuff.
Missions go by FAST.
It has been raining a lot lately. HUGE thunderstorm last night. Which led to massive ultimate crazy humidity today. FUN stuff. Sweatin' up a storm over here. :/
I got a letter from Ethan this week! Dude he is loaded what is life? How do you land jobs like that? I'm a little bit jealous. Save it all up so you can buy your fiancee a sweet car when you get back from your mission ;) kidding. but seriously.
Why is everyone growing up? Ethan looks like a total stud. Keep writing me letters. I haven't heard from Dylan in a while! What is this? What is he up to now days? Makenna looks like she is older than me. and Eli... hahahahahaha. that kid. makes me laugh. Ty. still the same. I haven't heard from Dad in a while either ehhh emmm..
Well guys in honor of transfer number four coming to an end... here is the list of things I have learned these past six weeks...
to express your Gratefulness to others
building others up, Don't make them feel dumb
I have learned to speak my mind
step up and Be a Leader
TO BE MYSELF!! Let your personality show, Use your talents.
I have learned how to drive in VA :l
which is very unpleasant and makes no logical sense (FYI.)
How to Set goals, and Achieve them
How to street contact
working with less actives is CRUCIAL and Important
I learned to NOT get offended, there is NO point.
to Not hold grudges
to OWN your area and OWN your LIFE
I learned how Ridiculous high school is
and Dating
(and I'm super glad I have a boyfriend.......hhaha)
I've learned Why its important to RESPECT others
Especially Priesthood Authority
or Authority in general
or just Anyone
Attitude Determines Everything
and if I could give one piece of advice to anybody
Especially future missionaries:
It would be to have a GOOD Attitude.
Attitude DETERMINES Everything.
You can have a totally awesome experience or an awful experience
All depending on how you look at it and that is something
that has really been impressed on my mind this transfer
as I've watched how things have played out.
Choose to be an Optimist. Make the MOST out of EVERY situation you are in.
and if I could give one piece of advice to anybody
Especially future missionaries:
It would be to have a GOOD Attitude.
Attitude DETERMINES Everything.
You can have a totally awesome experience or an awful experience
All depending on how you look at it and that is something
that has really been impressed on my mind this transfer
as I've watched how things have played out.
Choose to be an Optimist. Make the MOST out of EVERY situation you are in.
Embrace it?
Why not right.
Who wants to be sad all the time anyway?
or negative?
or whatever?
its lame!
Also I have a request.
It is a Facebook plee.
If you read my blog add me on Facebook (:
That way you can follow along with my posts about missionary work,
and help be a missionary as well.
There is a Facebook group called 'Called To Share' get on it.
And help spread the word about the Gospel.
and help be a missionary as well.
There is a Facebook group called 'Called To Share' get on it.
And help spread the word about the Gospel.
If you are not a member of the church, or have questions, add me on Facebook and we can chat about it. Get involved. No matter who you are. Learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it can bless your life, and your families life as well.
I love talking to people about the gospel!
So HMU (help me out)
My email is Madison.stucki@myldsmail.net
Facebook is Sister-Madison Stucki
Make your Facebook and social networking more effective by teaching and sharing what YOU know online.
I love you all and I'm grateful for the love and support I have from all my friends and family. You are awesome and I love hearing from you too.
My inbox was relatively empty this week so start sending me letters via email or the old fashioned way. I love you guys and love hearing from you.
Have a fantastic week and make good choices (:
pictures to come....
My inbox was relatively empty this week so start sending me letters via email or the old fashioned way. I love you guys and love hearing from you.
Have a fantastic week and make good choices (:
pictures to come....
loveee sister Madison stucki
(via email June 9, 2014)
(via email June 9, 2014)
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