[Quick Post]

Listed below are a couple websites that have helped me IMMENSLY. If you have any spare time take a look at some of these websites to help you prepare and get even more excited for your mission experience! Love you all! xoxo
Many are Called..Few are Sisters!
(facebook page)
10K+ Members sharing their insights, stories, tips and tricks. Go check it out!
Mission Home
Information and details about all 400+ missions. If you have your call, find yours and read up!
Bella in Berlin
This is my all time favorite sister missionary blog. She is hilarious and makes me so excited to serve! She actually just recently got home, but she continues to blog and her past posts are so fun!
Tips for Sister Missionaries
Tips/Tricks/Advice from former/present missionaries
As well as on your own personal Blogs (:
Just Copy/Paste the link!
Much Love!
Hi, so I am a sister preparing to serve in starting in December. I am considering starting a blog for when I go but I am at a complete loss!! haha I have followed your blog for a while and I really enjoy the layout and everything but I totally don't know how to do it myself. I know you are super busy so if you find some time I would love if you could share on how you designed yours. If not no worries ha thank you and you are beautiful!!