
DIY: Mission Scrapbook

You better bet that all your future companions, instructors, investigators and new friends are going to want to see pictures of your life back home while you are on your mission. HENCE, the DIY scrapbook. Eh?

Not only is this a great way to keep your memories close to your heart while you are away from home, but it truly is a great way to come to life and teach investigators about forever families, and all the great blessings that come from the church!

For my Scrapbook, I found this awesome series at target by "K&Company" called 'Smash!" One of my good friends made a scrapbook for me using this setup and I LOVED it. The set comes in a package that looks like this..

It was about twelve dollars at the store, you can find it in the notebooks/crafts section. TIP: USE THE PEN IT COMES WITH. Sharpies seep through the pages.

This is the front, super simple..

What i love most is the cute/creative inside pages that are thick and durable, this way you dont have to add any other added cardstock, or much effort with the creativeness (am i lazy yet?)

So what I have done so far, is on the very first page i wrote my name..

I'm planning on puting a geneology/family history chart on the inside cover. Followed by my parents engagement picture, my mom pregnant with me and BOOM me. As a baby. With my birthdate.

Next, pictures of mom and me

Then Dad...

And the oh so memorable mormon saying "Forever Family"

The next few pages are for each of my siblings i have five of them..

Then my grandparents..

I want to add a couple pictures of my hometown including my house, our temple and the view of Dixie!

Some of the pages i just love (like the one above) so i've left them empty. The next couple are adventures i've tried, places i've been etc.

Then highschool, and graduation

My baptism day, and temple..

Pictures with my call, when i got my call, and a copy of MY CALL (to serve)

Ward Activities/Girlscamp..

Oh and can't forget my ELDER


More Good Friends..

& some favorite quotes/scriptures..

I have plenty more pages to fill out and hopefully will get it done before i leave 
BUT thus far, it has been a favorite purchase for my mission and hopefully will be quite the asset.
Goodluck Sisters!

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Much Love!

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