I Love Being a Missionary
I am really excited to tell you guys about my friend (XXX)
I don't even really care about typing up the rest of the week.
We have been working with Bishop Janzen on finding all of the lost sheep, or less active members. Where they live. What their status is. That sort of thing. The other day we went to go find this man but he didn't answer his door. As we were walking out we ran into two men and asked them if they knew the man we were looking for. Turns out they were all roommate's. The one guy wasn't interested at all. The other guy (XXX) was all ears.
He ended up texting us and came to three different activities this week. We had two lessons, and he came to church. He is so awesome. When we first met him we found out he had JUST escaped a religious community called (XXX) he told us to "look it up, but don't join!" It is comparable to the (XXX) and he is from ...
As we have talked with him I asked him about his life story. Just out of curiosity. When he was a teenager his dad committed suicide. His mom became a "crackhead" (as he called it) and she became a prostitute. Which left him homeless. He became an alcoholic but somehow graduated high school. He joined the Navy, and got kicked out. He was once again homeless. He tried to make friends but all of his friends were "crooks." One even tried to kill him. He didn't know where to go and he was alone. One day some members of a religious group found him and took him in. He lived with them for nine years. But they were SUPER controlling. He felt emotionless and often wondered why he couldn't exercise HIS agency. Their take was if you left, you were not serving God. He had grown to really love to serve God there. Eventually however he left and a long lost cousin took him in and helped him get back on his feet. Three weeks later he met us and was interested in the Gospel.
Like I said he has come to all of our activities and we keep daily contact with him. He literally craves what we have been teaching him. He is so grateful that he has been able to find a place where he can serve God AND have Good friends who are so kind and care about him.
Like I said he has come to all of our activities and we keep daily contact with him. He literally craves what we have been teaching him. He is so grateful that he has been able to find a place where he can serve God AND have Good friends who are so kind and care about him.
Miracles! Miracles! Miracles! I tell ya. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! We are each so blessed. I am continually HUMBLED by the circumstances of others. By how blessed I am to have what I do. Especially the Gospel. The Gospel CHANGES people.
Think about it.
We had an awesome member lesson at the B. home. The Grandma that lives with them is absolutely hilarious. She is (another religion) so she was being really funny about being brother Baldwins "baptism" in this life. She was like, "I really like you Mormons. You see, I'm set because I'm (religion). So if the (XXX) faith is true I'll be saved. But if the Mormon faith is true, my daughter will just baptize me after I die anyway! So there! I give you permission!"
She was like eighty years old. I was dying. So funny. Cried literal tears.
We went to FHE and M. finally came. Which was awesome! We had quite a few investigators there and had a Super Fun time. It was an awesome night. The ward is growing for the summer and there is so much work being done!!
We also met with O. quite a few times. Guys.. Guess what?
He is a Superstar.
He was telling us about how he was hanging out with his friends and one of his friends was just like,
"Yo. Oscar. Have you been reading Shakespeare or somthin?"
and he was like,
He was telling us about how he was hanging out with his friends and one of his friends was just like,
"Yo. Oscar. Have you been reading Shakespeare or somthin?"
and he was like,
"No man, why?"
and his friend was like,
"Y'all keep saying Ye and Yea and ish."
and he was just like,
"No man that's the Book of Mormon!"
and his friend was like,
"Y'all keep saying Ye and Yea and ish."
and he was just like,
"No man that's the Book of Mormon!"
Can I just take a second to tell you all we are teaching The Greatest Human Souls on the planet.
They make me LAUGH everyday. I can't even handle it.
We also had the greatest lesson ever with M. We were teaching him about well.. actually we went on a "tangent lesson." But what it came down to was the SPIRIT. He FEELS and RECOGNIZES the Spirit and Greatly benefits from Personal Prayer - but doesn't quite understand the role of Jesus Christ and God!
Which is funny! and the craziest thing happened! I just felt inspired to read John 14 with him. So we opened it up. Sister Rossi unlocked her iPad and it was already there, the Chapter and everything.. Which was weird because she like wasn't even reading anywhere near John 14?? So crazy. The Spirit was definitely prompting us to read it.
So we explained how the Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God all work together. Then I read verse 17 and he just stared at it forever..
John 14:17 "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
He said he felt like it was written just for him. Then he continued to tell us all about what he read in the BOM. He has read like half of it already. We asked him to be baptized and he said 'I really, really, really want to say yes....'
...give me a week.
He's awesome.
Fourth of July was my
Holy Cow.
This transfer is already halfway over. So that is weird. It's flying by. I'm sooo tired. Like I roll out of bed in the morning and we GO, GO, GO and then I roll into bed, and then SLOTH out of bed and then GO, GO, GO and then roll into bed. It's ridiculous. We never get a break. Which is better than not doing anything. BUT I'm going to die. I've developed a twitch in my eye from being so restless. I'm not kidding.
For the Fourth of July we went to a little Ward get together and I was literally made fun of for my twitch! AND they kept telling me this past month I've just been way too stressed out and need to calm down. I was like whaaattt???
Then they pointed out that whenever I sit down I grip the chair like I'm about to break it. So I decided to chill a 'lil bit. But seriously. This past month has been insane.
The first thing I'm going to do when I get home...
is make a milkshake...
and lay in my bathtub...MY BATHTUB...for like...
a week.
EVERYTHING else goes on hold. Sorry guys.
Also on Fourth of July we put together a Parade float with a bunch of Missionaries. We threw out candy with Mormon.org cards on them. It was a grand time. You'll see videos eventually. haah. ha. ha......
We watched lots of fireworks and just had a fantastic week. Fireworks are a BIG deal here.
WE ARE IN THE CAPITAL OF AMERICA (sorta) (more like in one of the first colonies.)
(same difference)
A girl from a previous area messaged me on Facebook. Her close friend who we taught just found out his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Now this girl, who I tried so hard to be friends with she never really wanted anything to do with the church. Her family are members but she could careless and would bash on it all day everyday. BUT I tried really hard, I really liked her. I tried to be her friend. I would show her pictures and tell her about my life. She kind of opened up. But I considered my project that of a failure because she never seemed interested in the church even by the time I left. Which saddened me.
Anyway... the other day I got this Facebook message from her that she had sent to TEN people.
It said this..
"Wow that's a lot of people. Um, hi I guess. I know that I never do this, but I have something to ask all of you to do. Or if you'll do it. I'm pretty sure that all of you know (XXX) or at least know of him. It's not exactly a secret that we're dating. Well, a couple days ago his mom, (XXX) was diagnosed with cancer. It's not confirmed but they're leaning towards that it is. What I'm asking all of you is if you'll pray for her & the family in general. They need it. I know it's weird that of all people I'm asking for prayers, but it's the only way I can try to help them right now. That's all I'm asking. Just add them in your prayers, please. & I guess that's all I have to say. bye"
My heart was like
I was shocked she asked that. And to TEN different people too! BUT my next thought was... she probably has a thousand plus friends on Facebook... and she sent that message to me and only 9 other people. As I looked through those names I recognized EACH of them. They were each SPECIFIC people from HER WARD that would reach out to her on a regular basis. People who tried to be her friend, to love her, teach her and be an example to her. Even though she never showed much interest. Each of those 9 other people never gave up.
At a time of need, when she didn't know what else to do, she messaged ten people who SHE KNEW had a TESTIMONY of the GOSPEL of the SAVIOR and of a LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER. She knew that each of those ten people WOULD actually pray for this tragedy. They would help her and reach out to her.
And... I was one of the ten.
Out of possibly thousands.
As I have thought about this. I've gotta ask you guys...
Are you one of the ten?
If somebody was going through a tragedy or trial and was in need of SOMEBODY who had an unyielding faith in Jesus Christ. Who would reach out to them, who was an example and a friend...
or even the twenty?
or thirty?
or maybe they would only ask five.
But would YOU be in that list?
Do people know you as somebody who is a true DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ? or do people not even know you have a faith at all? Do you make it known? or do you just keep it a little secret?
Be one of the 10.
You can make such an impact.
Well... I don't want to ruin the impact of that story on your mind right now. So I'll just say.. we also found out one of our less actives isn't even a member so he is now a new investigator. We also had an amazing turn out in our Gospel Principles class with 5 investigators attending. Such amazing things are happening and I LOVE sharing what I know about Jesus Christ and the Gospel with others. I really hope and pray you all are doing the same!
I love you guys!
Send me mail!
See you in less than a year!
Love Sister Stucki
(via email July 7, 2014)
We also had the greatest lesson ever with M. We were teaching him about well.. actually we went on a "tangent lesson." But what it came down to was the SPIRIT. He FEELS and RECOGNIZES the Spirit and Greatly benefits from Personal Prayer - but doesn't quite understand the role of Jesus Christ and God!
Which is funny! and the craziest thing happened! I just felt inspired to read John 14 with him. So we opened it up. Sister Rossi unlocked her iPad and it was already there, the Chapter and everything.. Which was weird because she like wasn't even reading anywhere near John 14?? So crazy. The Spirit was definitely prompting us to read it.
So we explained how the Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God all work together. Then I read verse 17 and he just stared at it forever..
John 14:17 "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
He said he felt like it was written just for him. Then he continued to tell us all about what he read in the BOM. He has read like half of it already. We asked him to be baptized and he said 'I really, really, really want to say yes....'
...give me a week.
He's awesome.
Fourth of July was my
Holy Cow.
This transfer is already halfway over. So that is weird. It's flying by. I'm sooo tired. Like I roll out of bed in the morning and we GO, GO, GO and then I roll into bed, and then SLOTH out of bed and then GO, GO, GO and then roll into bed. It's ridiculous. We never get a break. Which is better than not doing anything. BUT I'm going to die. I've developed a twitch in my eye from being so restless. I'm not kidding.
For the Fourth of July we went to a little Ward get together and I was literally made fun of for my twitch! AND they kept telling me this past month I've just been way too stressed out and need to calm down. I was like whaaattt???
Then they pointed out that whenever I sit down I grip the chair like I'm about to break it. So I decided to chill a 'lil bit. But seriously. This past month has been insane.
The first thing I'm going to do when I get home...
is make a milkshake...
and lay in my bathtub...MY BATHTUB...for like...
a week.
EVERYTHING else goes on hold. Sorry guys.
Also on Fourth of July we put together a Parade float with a bunch of Missionaries. We threw out candy with Mormon.org cards on them. It was a grand time. You'll see videos eventually. haah. ha. ha......
We watched lots of fireworks and just had a fantastic week. Fireworks are a BIG deal here.
WE ARE IN THE CAPITAL OF AMERICA (sorta) (more like in one of the first colonies.)
(same difference)
A girl from a previous area messaged me on Facebook. Her close friend who we taught just found out his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Now this girl, who I tried so hard to be friends with she never really wanted anything to do with the church. Her family are members but she could careless and would bash on it all day everyday. BUT I tried really hard, I really liked her. I tried to be her friend. I would show her pictures and tell her about my life. She kind of opened up. But I considered my project that of a failure because she never seemed interested in the church even by the time I left. Which saddened me.
Anyway... the other day I got this Facebook message from her that she had sent to TEN people.
It said this..
"Wow that's a lot of people. Um, hi I guess. I know that I never do this, but I have something to ask all of you to do. Or if you'll do it. I'm pretty sure that all of you know (XXX) or at least know of him. It's not exactly a secret that we're dating. Well, a couple days ago his mom, (XXX) was diagnosed with cancer. It's not confirmed but they're leaning towards that it is. What I'm asking all of you is if you'll pray for her & the family in general. They need it. I know it's weird that of all people I'm asking for prayers, but it's the only way I can try to help them right now. That's all I'm asking. Just add them in your prayers, please. & I guess that's all I have to say. bye"
My heart was like
I was shocked she asked that. And to TEN different people too! BUT my next thought was... she probably has a thousand plus friends on Facebook... and she sent that message to me and only 9 other people. As I looked through those names I recognized EACH of them. They were each SPECIFIC people from HER WARD that would reach out to her on a regular basis. People who tried to be her friend, to love her, teach her and be an example to her. Even though she never showed much interest. Each of those 9 other people never gave up.
At a time of need, when she didn't know what else to do, she messaged ten people who SHE KNEW had a TESTIMONY of the GOSPEL of the SAVIOR and of a LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER. She knew that each of those ten people WOULD actually pray for this tragedy. They would help her and reach out to her.
And... I was one of the ten.
Out of possibly thousands.
As I have thought about this. I've gotta ask you guys...
Are you one of the ten?
If somebody was going through a tragedy or trial and was in need of SOMEBODY who had an unyielding faith in Jesus Christ. Who would reach out to them, who was an example and a friend...
or even the twenty?
or thirty?
or maybe they would only ask five.
But would YOU be in that list?
Do people know you as somebody who is a true DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ? or do people not even know you have a faith at all? Do you make it known? or do you just keep it a little secret?
Be one of the 10.
You can make such an impact.
Well... I don't want to ruin the impact of that story on your mind right now. So I'll just say.. we also found out one of our less actives isn't even a member so he is now a new investigator. We also had an amazing turn out in our Gospel Principles class with 5 investigators attending. Such amazing things are happening and I LOVE sharing what I know about Jesus Christ and the Gospel with others. I really hope and pray you all are doing the same!
I love you guys!
Send me mail!
See you in less than a year!
Love Sister Stucki
(via email July 7, 2014)
You know, every time I try to talk myself out of getting closer to this religion, I read things such as this blog. I've tried. Curiousity keeps eating at me. I think about it constantly.
ReplyDeleteThanks that means a lot! Add me on facebook Sister-Madison Stucki
Deletelets talk! (: