
"It won't Always be this way"

Great advice from President.  
Remember during the good times and the bad:
"It won't always be this way"

Sister Rossi, Oscar, Sister Stucki

Sis. Hill trained Sis. Schramm, who trained ME, and I'm training Sis. Rossi
kinda our pedigree:)

Let the war begin

Our awesome friends

Never a dull moment with Sister Billman. We had the Greatest day.

If you write me - I will write back...eventually

"Mayday" missing my music a bit...

Package from the Wogksch family

Much needed lemonade stand

This dog is bigger than me

How is everybody doing? I still don't have a picture of Ty for my wall! I have everyone else!
Well except you!!! (mom) soooo I'm in dire need of those.

How long is the boys hair? I feel like they are all shaggy. I need some more pictures guys (:
What is everyone up to this summer? How is Dylan doing? Are they boys dating and stuff?
That's gross.
Any fun vacations / plans?

I got the letters from the family! Tell them all thanks for sending. I thought they were great. It sounds like both Uncle Jesse and Uncle Kyle's kids are growing up so quick! Sounds like lots of fun!

Tell Grandma and Megan I would love to hear about their Europe adventures.

Grandpa...I didn't get the candy bar thing...Super confused.... haha

Also there wasn't a letter from Dylan in there! HELLO!

I think everyone said Hey! from your favorite _____ (uncle, aunt, etc. etc) You guys are all so unoriginal.

I got the PM SHAMPOO Thanks so much! I'm excited to use it! My hair is super stripey but I'm too scared to color it again so....yeah...idk what to do about it. Just leave it probably.

Were going to DC today with Hunter. We have permission to go once a transfer now. woohoo! So we are hoping to get into the White House next transfer. Today we are going to go see the US Capital and The Library of Congress and get some lunch. I'll take pictures. I gotta go soon to get to the metro in Vienna.

But guys... I LOVE being in a Singles Ward AS A MISSIONARY OF COURSE. Monday we had FHE right? Yeah. Best thing ever. We got a bunch of friends there so we stayed to help set up and introduce them to people and we had a Nerf War. But not just any Nerf War...like it was legit.

They have these weird foldable things Sister Rossi and I set up everywhere, we flipped tables and stuff for cover. Everybody brought Nerf guns and we had blow darts (made from PVC pipe) for those who haven't yet invested in a real gun. It was hilarious. We got some priceless pictures and there was a really good turnout.  They all had lots of fun.

I'll send some pics your way!

Tuesday we went on exchanges. I went to Leesburg with Sister Billman. Leesburg is still in our area so that wasn't too exciting.  HOWEVER being Sister Billman's companion for a day was exciting. She is hilarious. Lots of fun.  Super busy. I took her place in Manassas when I first came into the mission.  So we had lots to talk about.

Wednesday we did service at a Community church out in Leesburg. It was so hot in there, like a sauna. So hopefully I lost some weight. We taught O. with J. and his non member friend.  Afterwards we taught at C house.  We were talking to D. and he brought up baptism. We started talking about it and asked him to be baptized on August sixteenth. He asked why August 16th?  So then we felt a little self conscious.  So I explained that we felt inspired to pursue that date because we prayed about it, and planned, prepared and yada, yada.  He just sat there and was like...

that's my birthday

and everybody was like



no idea it was his birthday

so I was like,  "oh does that....conflict?"

and he was like,  "oh. no, no, no I wasn't going to go out and get drunk or anything!"

we were like oh good (:

great guy.

probs gonna need another tie mom. :)

He is a great guy.
even posted in on Facebook.
it's Facebook official.

We met a couple new investigators...and Friday we had Sisters Conference.

President and Sister Riggs talked the whole time. It was really awesome.
One of my favorite phrases that President used was:

"It won't always be this way"

It is perfect for everyday of our life.
When things are going good and we are having the time of our life we should REMEMBER,
"It won't always be this way"
so cherish it, take advantage of the time we have.
and on the flip side, when things are going bad and we feel like we can't hardly endure another minute, REMEMBER,
"It won't always be this way!"
Things will get better!


They talked a lot about Personal Prayer, and the BLESSINGS it brings. I've seen so many of my friends out here benefit greatly from personal prayer.  M. told us above all else he has loved personal prayer and benefited so much from it. He used to not pray at all! He thought it was completely illogical! But he has felt the Spirit so abundantly in his life and it is so wonderful watching him grow and learn.

President strongly emphasized how much God loves us. Each of us. No matter how many time we mess up... He still loves us! I love that thought. We should always remember who we are.

God loves us.

He talked about change aka REPENTANCE.
he said we should constantly be evaluating our life.
his favorite thing to do is to think

I love the irony of that.

What is your favorite sin?

k cool.


Sister Riggs talked about:  how in life there will ALWAYS be somebody better than you.
let it inspire you.

We, as women, should be as slow to condemn ourselves as we are to condemn others.
We are always worried about being perfect.  Which is not logical.  Because we will never be perfect.
so give yourself a break! Allow yourself to make mistakes.

In Romans there is a scripture that says something along the lines of
"Happy is he that condemeth not himself."

We should all remember that.

Life is a time for us to be constantly being refined.
right now is where there WILL BE HARD TIMES
because God knows we can handle it
because God wants us to learn and to grow

He will not give us challenges we cannot surmount

Sometimes, we can't back away.  We have to find a way to just


whatever "IT" may be

the trick is to weather the storm.

as we stay close to Christ and follow him, we will be able to endure and weather any storm.


Sisters conference is a GEM.

Saturday O. got baptized. It was a wonderful baptism. All went smoothly.  There was a gorgeous musical number.  It was just great! Super day!

Well that's all I've got for you today.  I'll email some pictures for the blog!
I love you all! keep writing me! (:
thanks for all the love encouragement and support.



Love Sister Stucki
(via email July 14, 2014)

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