
Time Goes By.

 Here are some pictures 
from this past month...

the Elders let us borrow their bikes to ride the W&OD

Sister Mitchell taught me bike etiquette...didn't know it was "a thing" :)

Look MOM, NO Hands!

Virginia is BEAUTIFUL

Ya...So I was itchy for a week after holding this thing

Check out my "farmer tan" after the bike ride

This place is so Green

Sister Selfie

Isn't she so adorable?

Great Day - the cutest couple EVER.

Tracting in the "Niagara Falls" type rainstorms = SOAKING WET :)
(Splits w/ Sister Hansen)

Dear Family,

I let my companion dye my hair this week.
Actually I forced her to.
Now it's yellow.
I struggle.

If Aunt Megan wanted to send me some Paul Mitchell Purple shampoo to help blonde's... I would love her. I think I'm going to bleach the roots and go platinum to numb down the yellowness?? It's kinda brassy. I fail. It's fine.

I have a picture of everybody in their DC shirts except Ty! So he is the only sibling not up on my wall. I would love it if you could send me a picture of him.
Guess what? THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS. I will never see another June 30th in Virginia as a missionary. Crazy Stuff. One year left to go. FUN FACT: My Mission President goes home the same transfer I do. To Arizona. So we'll probs be on the same plane. Interesting eh?
Last week we taught Family Home Evening.  We had tons of people there so we taught about families.  It was a fun time.
A. brought her brother D. which was awesome. He is a nice guy.  He had tons of fun and wants to come again. So that's cool! We played volleyball for FHE.
It is really difficult in a skirt.
Let's be honest.
I mean I could totes get my game on if we were in a Sand Volleyball court,.. and I was wearing my lucky FASHION IS OUT muscle shirt.
I'm a Sister.

the struggle is real.
O.  texted us and said that he prayed and feels like he should move his baptism date to 7/12. Have I already told you that story?
It was pretty sweet.
So his date is officially the 12th now!
Super Cool Guy.

Just FULL of the Spirit.
We also had interviews with President this week.
HE IS GREAT!  It was a great interview and all... but then he was asking about my lil' trainee Sister Rossi.  I was just going on about how great she is and I said we have SO much in common...
and he was like, "like what?"
and I was like,  "well... this is weird..."
and he was like,  "okay lets hear it..."
and I was like,  "well..."
and he was like,  "YOU HAVE TO TELL ME NOW"
so... I was a little hesitant.  but I told him. that our boyfriends both kissed this same girl. (XXX) back in Utah.  and it's super awk 

and he just started LAUGHING. 

so hard. 

I was like,  "uhh... this is a SORE subject Prez."
.....anyway she went in for her interview and when she came out he said,
"you gotta tell Sister Stucki.' 

and left.
SO apppearrrenttlyyy 
when she was in there getting her interview He asked where she was from 
and she said South Salt Lake. 
and he said,  "ohhh I have a sister that lives there. 
my son lived with them for a while. he dated a girl that lived out there. and you know what? 
I think they even SMOOCHED  a little bit."
So Sister Rossi was all excited and was like oh, oh who is it??
and he was like,  "ohh I think her name was...(ya...same girl as above)"
and she died!  she was like WHAAAAATTT??????
and he just LAUGHED.
suchhhh a great human.
anyway probably shouldn't put her name anywhere in this blog post
but the story line is funny.
He is great.
This week O's mom made us:
fried yuka
chocolate chip cookies
and Guatemala cake.
shes great. really fattening us up.
Also our lessons with M. this week were legit and he brought us doughnuts.
I think it's safe to say we have the sickest investigators EVER.
Plus at the end of his lesson he said he's getting "evermore closer to baptism."  
How great is he?  J
ust gotta love them.
O.  wrote us a poem
and we are trying to get him to read it at his baptism. 
Wanna hear it?
soooo grand.
okay. here it is..
Our Light Within..
we all have a light within us
all we have to do is trust
don't let our soul be filled with darkness
let us embrace out happiness
this light brings us closer together
make us live in heaven forever
let us have faith in ourselves and in god
let him smite away the darkness with a lightning rod
let it parish from our soul
let us have that heart of gold
There is a recent convert named F. in our area and she made us the cutest little picture frames with scriptures in them.  She is adorable. The people here are just awesome.  I love serving in a YSA Ward! It is so much fun. They said it's hard not to think of us as their friend. They always do fun little hikes and stuff that we can't exactly go on buuut it's nice to have the invite. I guess. ha ha. They are fun. and so awesome with fellowshipping the people we bring!
This week we also saw a turtle get mutilated by a car which was totally disgusting.
Turtles are everywhere.  It's sad.

We had Stake Conference and President and Sister Riggs spoke at it. So that was fun.

A.  came to church this week and she looked like she really enjoyed it.
We also went and correlated with the Bishop which was much needed. Got lots done. He was really happy about it because he sent us this big email about how "our excitement for the work is contagious" and on and on and he said he is going to ask President Riggs if we can stay here forever.
So that is a good sign considering!
I know it will help a lot with the work having the Bishop more involved and helping us! Super stoked! So much is going on and there are great things in store for Shenandoah.  I feel so blessed to get to be a part of it.  In helping Hasten the Work of Salvation!
I got a super cute package this week from Momma Wogksch and Madi!
They are adorable. Except I'm kind of confused,  because they sent this 'wall flower' plug in.  that's supposed to make your house smell all pretty and its a flower so I assumed it would smell like lotion, but when we got home for the day our whole house smelt like cologne....
starting to think it's some sick joke Madi is playing on me considering I can't date...
but needless to say... it's still plugged in. ;)

so great.

Anyway I hope all is well back at home. Please continue to be a missionary back at home and share the Gospel with everyone you meet. The Lord doesn't only need missionaries but he needs members who are True Disciples of Jesus Christ and who are willing to share the Gospel with others and fellowship them!
You guys are awesome.  I love and miss you so much!  Thanks for the letters this week.  I really appreciated them.  I'm excited to hear from you all again! I'm in the process of writing you all back. 
Missions go by so fast. 
I only have one year left! 
Seven months seems like 7 days
I'm excited for all the friends and family I have that are going to be serving soon.
I'm excited for all the new things they will learn. 
Serving a Mission is great
BUT going out and giving it YOUR ALL and becoming a Disciple of the Lord 
is the best decision you could ever make. 
Not only does it BLESS YOU for those 18 months - 2 years 
but it will Bless YOU and YOUR Posterity 
for a LIFETIME to come.
START Preparing NOW
Becoming the BEST person you can be.

love you all! 
talk to you next week! (:
sister stucki
(via email June 30, 2014) 

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