
Make Room



Great Falls

Humidity Problems

Corn Hole


My new African dress from Grandma

I'm coming home

The "woah" list :)

We went to Springfield mall and I bought a cute new shirt for my homecoming so I don't come home in rags. My clothes are pretty worn out.  Obviously I know nothing about doing my own laundry... Or I've just worn the same thing way to often. Either way. The countdown is what.. Eighteen days? Yaaaaa. We had exchanges this week with the Mt. Vernon sisters. And we had mission leadership council as well.

When we taught Josh this week we helped him do Family History. We found his grandpa Carl, who he is named after, and as soon as we inserted him, his family history line went clear back to the 1500's. We found out somebody in his family has been doing tons and tons of family history. So he has a lot of temple work to do! We printed out names to do temple work for his family. We're going to go with him next weekend.  I haven't done baptisms forever so I'm super excited. And it will be cool doing them for his family names. 

We taught I. at a members home with BARBARA and another young women. They taught us about the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is what we taught last time and it was cool, and then we taught them the commandments.  I. is doing really good. Her baptism will be on June 20th. We are really excited for her. BARBARA is super excited too. Can you send something for her?

On Friday we had interviews with President Riggs. He told me that since he was interviewing me again next week for my departing interview he would just start the departing interview now and finish up next week. He was really nice and thanked me for my service, it was cool. He said he was grateful that I could be cute and cool and not have to make a point because most people that try to act cool do the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing to be different. He said the first day he met me and I got out into the field he thought "this will be interesting" because I was cute and thought I was cool. Lolz. He thanked me for being a good example and for the tremendous work I've put into my mission.

He also said that when he put Sister Eaton, Stewart and I together in a trio that the assistants laughed at him because the three of us are on every Elders "woah... there partner list." (Which is a top secret, confidential list President has on his iPad of Elders who have a thing for Sisters and are not allowed to serve near them.) He thought it was pretty funny. 

We talked a lot about marriage and family. And a little bit about schooling. He asked me a lot of questions....

He asked me about what I'm going into and if it allowed for me to have a family. He also gave lots of marriage advice. He said to make sure I wear my ring LOUDLY especially in the professional field. To remember that some guys aren't good guys. To make sure that I go on a date with my husband at least once a week. To make sure that nobody could ever replace him. Stuff like that. It was a stinkin' good interview. I'm excited for round two this next week. He said to come prepared with any questions I have. Most of my questions are about marriage. Hopefully that's cool. #trunkytrunkytrunky (it's OK tho cause he's probably TRUNKY too)

The countdown is so real right now.

Tell Dylan I seriously want to go boating like asap when I get home. I need to get my tan on. And I'm dying to get in the water. Take me take me take me! Also mom, can you set my phone up before I get home? That would be sweet. I keep having dreams about coming home from my mission. I'm pretty stoked. About it. I also want to buy a laptop soon after I get back so I can organize all my mission pictures and stuff. Can you look around for deals? Idk where the best but would be.  Keep an eye out.

Also I need need need a job. I really think I will die if I'm sitting around all day. After our vacation I want to start working and saving money so ask around for job opportunities as well please! I gotta jump on that asap. And then soon after that I should probably start looking for good deals on wedding "things." 


Also I'm sending home another package this week. It just has letters and notes in it but it's pack full so that should be there soon. And I sent off another memory card with pictures. I think I should be good to go as far as packing goes. I'm going to throw some stuff out or leave it here. As well as some of my shoes. They just have holes and are gross and I'll probably never wear them again. So hopefully my suitcases pack up lightly considering! I've dejunked a lot of stuff.

The only things I really have now is like my comforter blanket, some clothes, hair stuff, and a couple books/scriptures. So I think I should be set?

That was a tangent.

This weekend was the most dysfunctional weekend ever I swear. Everything fell through and the weirdest... Stuff happened. I got an African dress from Grandma as a departure gift. This guy we have been meeting with gave us perfume called "magic charm" WEIRD. (We're passing him to the Elders now don't worry) Sister Stewart's nose started bleeding in our brand new mini van on route one so she used a tampon to stop it Lolol just like the movies. We had another weekend Uno war for the championship and I got SO CLOSE TO TAKING THE TITLE, but Sister Eaton killed it, again. Even with me and Stewart teaming against her. Barf. We got food poisoning from Green Olive, a sketchy restaurant we went to with some members this week. And Sunday Grandma bore her testimony by singing a song and banging her cane against the podium. Does that cover our lives as of late?

Which consists of my flight itinerary and scheduling and packing information.

Josh went to his neighbors church, because his neighbor has been begging him forever and a long time ago he promised he would go. And it was kinda funny because he texted us and told us his neighbor said "oh my God" while he was preaching, and not it good context! And that there was wine instead of water for communion and he swore he would never put alcohol into his body again intentionally so he had to throw it away after. Oh Josh. He's such a good guy. Haha.

This week I have my departing interview with President, We are going to the temple with BARBARA and then we are going to the temple with Josh. So that will keep things exciting and mix things up. Our ward had a baptism this past weekend, one more this weekend and then the next weekend there are five people on date to be baptized. The Fort is definitely rolling along. Summertime is prime time in BELVOIR. 

I'm glad I get to bounce during prime time ;)

The Rothermel's emailed me about house hunting, sounds like y'all are having fun with that. The Hales family in our ward should be visiting St George during July or August so we gotta keep an eye out for them. They're cool. There's lots of St George ties around here.

As we've been teaching different people I've noticed how evident it is when the spirit is and is not present. I've learned that everything we teach and really everything we do is based upon the spirit of the Lord and receiving our own personal revelation and witness. It's pretty difficult to explain this to people because it's not something you can simply explain, it's something that must be felt. And we need to feel and recognize it to grow.

In order to feel and recognize the spirit we have to make room for it in our lives. People constantly drown out opportunities for the spirit to testify to them by keeping themselves so preoccupied with other things, not making room for time to ponder, study the scriptures, pray or even think. In Helaman five it says:

"...they heard this voice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, 
neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, 
it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, 
and it did pierce even to the very soul."

How often to we make room in our lives for a quite voice to testify to us and to teach us
To make room I feel we need to make literal and tangible room, like making time.
But also make room in our hearts. Whether that be through being humble, and full of gratitude or letting go of our will and trusting God, or developing our faith. We simply need to make room for enlightenment and understanding by the spirit.

This is where lives change.

Like I said previously It's pretty difficult to explain this to people because it's not something you can simply explain, it's something that must be felt. I want to invite you to prayerfully consider what you need to do in your lives to "make room" for the spirit to more abundantly guide your life and your mind. As you do this I know you'll feel the small promptings coming from God.

It won't be a tumultuous noise
It will be small
But it will be powerful.

I believe God speaks to each of us according to our own understanding
we just gotta make room for that understanding.
And as we do so great changes and blessings will be more evident in our lives.

I love you guys so stinkin' much! I'm so excited to come home and spend time with my family! I can't even tell you how stoked I am. I cannot even believe that it has been eighteen months. I can't believe how many amazing miracles I've witnessed, how many lessons I've learned and how incredible this missionary service has been.

I'm humbled and grateful for the course of life God has been preparing for me, really for the past twenty years. But especially these past couple years. It's really opened my eyes, and it's really changed my heart. I'm eternally grateful for the wonderful friends, experiences and blessings that have come into my life.

Life is really so good.

I love you guys!

Sister Stucki 
Sent from my iPad

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